Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Bono's red campaign

I am sure most of us have heard Bono pontificating about his beloved red campaign in his bid no doubt to be made a saint in his lifetime , i just thought i'd like to just talk about that wonderfull red ipod that according to Bono and such human wonders as Oprah if you buy this shit you will save the world , BULLSHIT!!!!Our fellow workers in these Communist Chinese factories get paid $50 a week and have to work 15hours a day , now it seems to me Apple are getting a good bargain ,DIRTY FUCKING EXPLOITERS , they make their consciences clean by giving a pittance to AIDS campaigns , no doubt most the money would end up being used to administer these funds , so as you do your xmas shopping look at these red products and imagine how many of them you could shove up Bono and Oprahs asses!

1 comment:

  1. to get sainthood you need a miracle, it would be a miracle if you could shove all those fucked red shit up their collective asses
