i thought i had better explain about this campaign , its goal they claim is to stem the spread of hiv in africa , this is done by certain companies selling red products and donating some of the profits to campaign some of these companies are- american express,apple,converse,dell,armani,gap etc etc.sounds good or is it just another marketing ploy.
have these companies all of a sudden got a social conscience , well the answer is clearly NO NO NO!!! just a few examples armani has fired workers for being hiv positive , doesnt really match up with what the campaign does it? and most of the other companies are renown for either using sweatshops , cheap foreign labour[exploited fellow workers] and also cheap prison labour and some paid as little as $0.20 an hour.also 'the advertising age' reported that these red companies had spent $1oo million on advertising their red products but they only raised $18 million , as the robot says 'that does not compute' , this show that the red campaign is just a marketing scam and a very sick one at that.